Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

How To Make Tempe

Tempe is one type of food that many favored by the people of Indonesia. Why? In addition to the tasty taste, tempe turned out to contain lots of vegetable protein is very good for the body's metabolism. Moreover, nowadays popping up cooking ideas made of tempe is one of them is a steak that is certainly not less delicious than steak meat. Well, for those of you who are curious how the heck how to make tempe, see ya this article. In this article how to create tempe, the author will try to share tips on the tools and materials you need as well as the steps to make the right tempe. One thing you need to know, every step of making this tempe must be measurable because instead of getting a savory tempe, by making a messy will make your tempe not tasty or even failed production. In addition to knowing how to process soybeans into the right tempe, you can also ensure the cleanliness of the food you will consume properly preserved.
How to Make Tempe
How to Make Tempe by yourself Tempe - Images from

Tools and materials making tempe :

  1. basin.
  2. filter
  3. cormorant
  4. fan
  5. sotel wood
  6. the sight
  7. stove
  8. soybeans
  9. yeast tempe
  10. banana leaves / plastic bags
 Steps how to make tempe : 
  • wash all equipment first. dry.
  • wash the soybeans. 
  • soak beans for about 13-18 hours.
  • if it soft, exfoliate.
  • rinse with water.
  • boil back the soybean seeds that have been rinsed water.
  • drain on the tampah. fan using fan until it is not too hot.
  • put yeast tempe into soybeans evenly, mix well.
  • enter the yeast-fed soybean seeds on banana leaves or plastic bags. for a thin thickness to sweet your taste.
  • to get a good tempe, the time required for the fermentation process is 2 days with room temperature. keep your soybeans covered in mushrooms.
How, easy enough is not it? Did you know that in addition to protein, it turns out tempeh also contains calcium that is needed by the body to help its performance more leverage. Mother of course want her baby get healthy food is not it ?.

By knowing how to make this tempe, if the mother is not satisfied with the tempe sold in the market, the mother can make their own as desired and once again cleanliness must be guaranteed. After all, healthy food is not always expensive right mother.

With ingredients that are easy and tend to be cheap in the market, the mother can create food to support the health of loved ones. Hopefully a good article processing tips tempe is useful yes mother. Good luck.

tags : beauty